
Representative Tsongas is NOT one of us!
Most of us that live in the 37 cities and towns that comprise the 3rd Congressional District would love to be in the stratosphere that is the life style of our Representative”.
In the 2010 Election on a Lowell Sun debate, Ms. Tsongas insinuated that she "was a regular person” and attempted to paint her challenger as an elitist. She also indicated her personal involvement in saving money for us taxpayers. She mentioned not taking a raise and voting for a freeze on a congressional pay raise as well as cutting staff expenses by 75 thousand dollars. Her statement seemed not to be in line with the facts.
Between Jan 1st and 30 July 2010, a six month period, Ms. Tsongas had spent $498.897 for her staff, this projects out to $997,794 for the year! In 2009 her staff expenses were $960,829, In 2008 the expense was $898,711. This does not indicate a reduction but rather a slow increase in the cost to operate her office.

She failed to mention that she voted for the congressional pay raise (H413 on June 19, 2009) before she voted against the automatic pay adjustment in 2010.
On a personal front Ms Tsongas’s income is $174.000 for a congressional salary. Based on Financial Disclosure reports a public record, her net worth is listed as between $1,845,054 and $7,999.999 which ranks her 66th RICHEST in the House of Representatives. Her assets includes her three properties, a small Condo at 52 Lawrence Drive Unit 411M, in Lowell, rarely used other than an election cycle, valued at $119.600. Her primary residence, at 26 Auburn St., Charlestown Ma. Purchased in 2003 for $760,000 with an accessed value of $602,300. And finally her property at 455 Shore Rd. Chatham Ma; valued at $2,440,800.This is the individual who supports Occupy Wall Street and is in fact a FAT CAT!
We personally hope Ms. Tsongas makes and spends whatever she desires, that is the America as it was and should be, not the America she and her fellow elitist elected officials want to make it for us and exclude themselves.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tsongas on taxes

Tsongas supports Taxing the “Rich”

FITCHBURG -- U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas was in Fitchburg on Monday to meet with local business executives in a new area she would gain if re-elected in November.
Mayor Lisa Wong and state Rep. Stephen DiNatale were present at the meeting, held at cybersecurity firm mZeal. Also at the meeting were representatives of about a dozen manufacturing firms, including David Garrison, CFO of Micron Integrated Technologies in Fitchburg; Alfred Cotton, Jr., director of corporate communications for Nypro Plastics of Clinton; and Tom Gramaglia, vice president of strategy and business development for iRobot of Bedford. Fitchburg is currently part of Massachusetts' First District, represented by U.S. Rep. John Olver, who is not seeking re-election.

The group talked Monday about ways the federal government can aid Massachusetts businesses and communities. Tsongas said municipalities in the state require a support system, and she sees one of her tasks as helping communities advance their vision of themselves.
"I don't think a member of Congress can create that vision," Tsongas said. Garrison from Micron said his firm has a problem finding potential manufacturing employees who understand basic math and science. "Scientific literacy is not there," he said.
Garrison said he believes there is a cultural stigma that manufacturing work is repetitive, a view he said is false, and that stigma discourages people who are scientifically literate from seeking manufacturing work. Tsongas said the general public underestimates how much manufacturing still takes place in Massachusetts, and as a result, too many students fail to enroll in vocational
classes that would make them better suited for manufacturing.
"We have this feeling that we're not making anything, but we actually are," Tsongas said. DiNatale received a chorus of agreements when he asked the business leaders if they have
trouble making decisions to expand their operation because of a lack of predictability and reliability in federal policy. When the business leaders complained that China is using its taxpayers' money to subsidize its exports, Tsongas said she has voted against most free-trade agreements that have come her way. She said subsidies and tariffs are policy choices that will allow American companies to develop industries like solar panels instead of letting the Chinese control that industry. Wong said Massachusetts needs to figure out what industries it has a comparative advantage in so companies can focus on those industries and not ones where other regions will have a natural advantage.
Tsongas stressed that for the time being, the area is still served by Olver and she still has to beat whoever wins the Republican nomination for the seat. After the meeting, she told representatives from the Sentinel & Enterprise that there is a big debate over the proper role of the federal government, and she believes it is to actively help society move in the direction it envisions. She also took positions in favor of raising taxes on the rich, passing a jobs bill, combating sexual assault in the military, and maintaining postal deliveries on Saturdays.
Read more:

"The top 10 percent income earners pay about 70 percent of federal income taxes," says Will McBride of the Tax Foundation. "The bottom 50 percent of tax filers pay almost no federal income tax. They pay about 3 percent of federal income taxes." And for many of the people who pay no taxes, the government also allows tax credits, which end up providing refunds.
"Close to a hundred billion in checks sent out by the IRS (go) to folks who have no tax liability," McBride said. "So the IRS is becoming a spending agency."
Arthur Brooks, head of the American Enterprise Institute, put it this way: "Half of the people who don’t pay anything in federal income taxes -- about half of them pay less than zero."
But Brooks says the system is tilted even more toward those in the middle class and below because they also get services from the federal government. As a result the per capita value of government spending exceeds what those individuals pay in federal taxes.
"Right now about 70 percent of Americans take more out of the tax system than they put into it, according to the Tax Foundation," Brooks said."That's something that should really alarm a lot of Americans."

Tsongas On Pac Money

Tsongas’s Opinion of Citizens United versus Federal Elections

Our representative is up in arms over the ability of a corporation to donate money, as an individual, as was the decision of the U.S. Supreme court . Our Representative has no problems in accepting HUNDREDS of Thousands from Unions, who have been acting in this manner for her entire political career.

Here is her statement on the Supreme Court Decision;

WASHINGTON, DC– March 10, 2011 – Today, Fifth District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas reintroduced legislation to prevent any federal funds received by corporations, private companies, or other entities from being used for lobbying or in political campaigns. Tsongas’ legislation, entitled the No Taxpayer Money for Corporate Campaigns Act was first introduced last February in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Tsongas released the following statement regarding the reintroduction of this legislation in the 112th Congress.

“Last year’s Supreme Court ruling, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, allowed for unlimited amounts of corporate money to be spent influencing the outcome of elections. We quickly saw the consequence of this ill-conceived decision, when a record-shattering $4 billion was spent during the 2010 election cycle, which included an unprecedented influx of corporate funds being used for political purposes.

“The transparency of our electoral process was further undermined last month, when the House of Representatives voted to eliminate the voluntary Presidential Election Campaign Fund. This public financing system was created specifically to ensure Presidential candidates wouldn't have to rely on corporate and special interest money to finance their campaigns. During debate of this
measure on the House floor, I offered an amendment that would have banned corporations, contractors, or other entities that receive taxpayer dollars from using those funds to contribute to a Presidential campaign but it was blocked by limitations Republicans placed on the amendment process.

“These significant blows to attempts at limiting the influence of money on our electoral process come at a time when unparalleled taxpayer funds have been committed to shoring up our nation’s financial institutions. Additionally, billions of federal dollars are awarded annually to defense contractors, private companies, and other entities.

“The legislation that I am reintroducing today explicitly states that no federal funds may be used for lobbying activities or to support or oppose any political candidate. Companies like AIG, Goldman Sachs, and Halliburton should not be able to take taxpayer dollars and use them to support political candidates who do their bidding, or oppose those that don’t.

“Democracy cannot function when special interests can drown out the influence of the average voter. It would be further inhibited when citizens have their money spent on political causes they do not support. While the effort to completely reverse the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed ruling is one that will take years, I believe that this commonsense legislation addresses one of its most harmful consequences.”

Another case wherein Representative Tsongas words are betrayed by her actions; here is the money she receives from groups acting exactly like the Supreme court allowed corporations to act.

Tsongas on Earmarks

Tsongas among the leaders in Earmarks

In fiscal 2010; our Niki Tsongas was among the top 100 congress people She sponsored or co-sponsored 22 earmarks totaling $33,181,300, ranking 93rd out of 435 representatives.

In fiscal 2009; our Niki Tsongas was in the top 50% of congress people. She sponsored or co-sponsored 21 earmarks totaling $33,508,125 ranking 148th out of 435 representatives.

I suppose she should be applauded for “Bringing home the Bacon” But I won’t! I’ve got several issues with this pork, primarily, how much of our tax dollars did we spend to in turn get $33,181.300 in 2010 and $33,508,125 in 2009, we should all be aware we NEVER get back what we send down to Washington! Massachusetts is 43rd in that for every dollar we send TO Washington, we have 80 cents RETURNED…

More troubling is; we are borrowing 40 cents on the dollar from the Chinese to fund the Federal Government. So on 2010 of the $33,181,300 Tsongas requested $13,272,400 would have been BORROWED from the Chinese to fund her grab for election votes…She has just contributed 13 million owed to the Chinese to be paid for by YOU, and YOUR children!

Another troubling issue is; what was the pay off for Mrs Tsongas?
In 2010;

U-Mass Lowell received 4 million in earmarks and Mrs. Tsongas got $120.000 in lobbying returns;

Physical Sciences Inc received $3.2 million in earmarks and Mrs. Tsongas got $20,000 in lobbying;

University of Rhode Island received $3.2 million and Mrs. Tsongas Received $10.000 in lobbying;

FLIR Systems received $2.4 million in earmarks, Mrs Tsongas received $620,000 in lobbying;

Kitco Fiber Optics received $2 million in earmarks, Mrs Tsongas got $45,000 in lobbying;

KSARIA received $2 million in earmarks, Mrs Tsongas got $20,000 in lobbying;

Thermo Fisher Scientific received $800,000 in earmarks, Ms. Tsongas got $675,000 in lobbying;

Middlesex Community College received $194,800 in earmarks, Ms. Tsongas got $80,000 in lobbying;

Congress is broken, in her short period of time Congresswoman Tsongas has learned to play the system and this is going to break the bank. Vote Niki Tsongas out of office before she earmarks again!

This is an itemized listing of ever earmark Tsongas has requested and the status of those requests;


Comprehensive Substance Abuse Education and Treatment Program
Essex County Sheriff‟s Department, Middleton, MA 01949
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $280,000 (Declined)

Essex Regional Emergency Communications Center Records Management

Essex County Sheriff‟s Department, Middleton, MA 01949
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $500,000 (Declined)

Court Appointed Special Advocates
Family Service, Inc., Lawrence, MA 01840
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $100,000 (Declined)

Fleet Enhancement Project
Lowell Police Department, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $410,000 (Declined)

Massachusetts Police Leadership Institute Program
Lowell Police Department, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $100,000 (Declined)

Regional Crime Analysis Resource Center
Middlesex Community College, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $800,000 (Declined)

Sex Offender Registration Project
Lowell Police Department, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $90,000 (Declined)

Juvenile Justice Program
Middlesex District Attorney‟s Office, Woburn, MA 01801
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,283,396 (Declined)

Trauma Intervention Program of Merrimack Valley
Trauma Intervention Program of Merrimack Valley, Methuen, MA 01844
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $60,000 (Declined)

Transitional Employment Program
United Teen Equality Center, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $250,000 (Declined)

Initiative for At-Risk Youth
YWCA of Greater Lawrence, Lawrence, MA 01840
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $800,000 (Declined)

Materials and Finite Element Simulations of Moldable Ceramic Composite Materials
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,225,000 (Declined)

Nanomanufacturing of Integrated Smart Materials Systems
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,000,000 (Declined)

Feasibility Study for Renewable Energy Options
D'Youville Senior Care, Lowell, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $50,000 (Declined)

Comprehensive Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy/Green Technology Project

Holy Family Hospital, Methuen, MA 01844
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Declined)

Lancaster Landfill Solar Facility
Town of Lancaster, Lancaster, MA 01523
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Declined)

Plasma Assisted Sludge Oxidation and Heat Recovery/Steam Generator

Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility, Lowell, MA 01850
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Declined)

Nuclear Power Operator Simulator
Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,700,000 (Declined)

The Vetrepreneurship Initiative
Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center, Lawrence, MA 01843
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $350,000 (Declined)

Advanced Electron Accelerator for Non-Intrusive Detection of Weapons of
Mass Destruction

University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,960,000 (Declined)

495/MetroWest Water Resources Strategy: Phase 2
495/MetroWest Partnership, Westborough, MA 01581
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $300,000 (Declined)

Spalding House Renovation
Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $125,000 (Declined)

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Abatement and Sewer Infrastructure
Improvements Program

Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility, Lowell, MA 01850
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,000,000 (Declined)

Good Neighbor Healthy Heart Screening Initiative
Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndromes Foundation, Andover, MA 01810
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $380,000 (Declined)

Expansion of Mental Health Capacity in Massachusetts Schools
Children‟s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA 02115
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $750,000 (Declined)

Family Finance Solutions
Community Teamwork, Inc., Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $500,000 (Declined)

Feasibility Study for Affordable Assisted Living for Seniors
D'Youville Senior Care, Lowell, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $50,000 (Declined)

Emerson Hospital Special Care Nursery
Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA 01742
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,842,000 (Declined)

GLFHC Administration Building
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, Lawrence, MA 01841
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $250,000 (Declined)

Horizons for Homeless Children‟s Playspace Programs
Horizons for Homeless Children, Lawrence, MA 01840
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $120,000 (Declined)

Emergency Department and Level II Trauma Center Renovation and

Lahey Clinic, Burlington, MA 01805
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,300,000 (Declined)

Lowell Community Health Center‟s Expansion Project
Lowell Community Health Center, Lowell, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,000,000 (Declined)

Lowell General Hospital Facility Expansion
Lowell General Hospital, Lowell, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,000,000 (Declined)

Middlesex Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic Modernization

Middlesex Community College, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $450,000 (Declined)

UMass Lowell Cooperative Education Program
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $400,000 (Declined)

Utilization review and improvement of the use of electronic health
records by physicians in the Lower Merrimac Valley

Wellport, Newburyport, MA 01950
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $300,000 (Declined)

Downtown Commuter Parking and Pedestrian Improvements
Town of Ayer, Ayer, MA 01432
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Declined)

Union Crossing Phase 2
Lawrence Community Works, Lawrence, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $350,000 (Declined)

Hamilton Canal District
City of Lowell, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Declined)

Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,000,000 (Declined)

Intermodal Transit Parking Facility in the City of Haverhill
Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority, Haverhill, MA 01835
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,000,000 (Declined)

Study and Design Review for the Boston and Maine Railroad Depot
Middlesex Community College, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $550,000 (Declined)

Littleton Intermodal Parking Facility
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Boston, MA 02116
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,200,000 (Declined)

Youth Center Building Project
United Teen Equality Center, Lowell, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,000,000 (Declined


Weatherization Assistance and Energy Efficiency
Weatherization Assistance and Energy Efficiency, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $177,000,000 (Requested)

Lawrence Gateway Project
City of Lawrence, City of Lawrence, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $166,250 (Requested)

Smart Grid technologies
American Superconductor, Devens,, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,832,972 (Requested)

Superconductor Transmission Cable System
American Superconductor, Devens,, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $7,584,120 (Requested)

Middlesex Turnpike Phase III Improvements
Middlesex Turnpike Phase III Improvements, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Methuen Rotary Environmental Mitigation
Methuen Rotary Environmental Mitigation, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,200,000 (Requested)

Lord Overpass Rehabilitation
Lord Overpass Rehabilitation, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,147,400 (Requested)

Squannacook River Rail Trail
Squannacook River Rail Trail, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $700,000 (Requested)

Lowell Junction Interchange- I93
Lowell Junction Interchange- I93, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,800,000 (Requested)

Route 70 and Old Union Turnpike Construction
Route 70 and Old Union Turnpike Construction, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,159,160 (Requested)

Route 110/111 Improvements
Route 110/111 Improvements, Harvard,, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,500,000 (Requested)

Route 85 Improvements
Route 85 Improvements, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,500,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Lowell Trolley Expansion, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,500,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority, Replacement Buses, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,369,200 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Assabet River Rail Trail, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,200,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Five Corners Intersection, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $700,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Fitch’s Bridge, Groton, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,890,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Station Avenue Reconstruction, Groton, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,300,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, Concord,, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,131,500 (Requested)
Surface Transportation Project
Ayer Commuter Parking and Pedestrian Improvement, Ayer, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,885,000 (Requested)

Surface Transportation Project
Middlesex Community College Pedestrian Improvements, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,500,000 (Requested)

Horizons for Homeless Children Playspace Program
Horizons for Homeless Children Playspace Program, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $95,000 (Requested)

Intermodel Transit Parking Facility
Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA), Haverhill, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $475,000 (Requested)

Law Enforcement Video Sharing (LEVIS)
Lowell Police Department, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $150,000 (Requested)

Lowell General Hospital Expansion Project
Lowell General Hospital Expansion Project, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $428,000 (Requested)

Lowell Riverwalk Extension Construction
Lowell National Historical Park, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $712,500 (Requested)

Maynard Police IT Upgrade
Maynard Police Department, Maynard, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $150,000 (Requested)

New Interchange for Interstate 93 in Massachusetts
Merrimack Valley Economic Development Council, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $712,500 (Requested)

Northern Essex Community College Allied Health and Technology
Northern Essex Community College Allied Health and Technology
Center, MA

Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $381,000 (Requested)

Public Safety Communications Upgrade
Haverhill Police Departmen, Haverhill, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $200,000 (Requested)

Solar Panels for the Haverhill Citizens Energy Efficiency Project
Solar Panels for the Haverhill Citizens Energy Efficiency Project,

Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $237,875 (Requested)

Nanomanufacturing of Multifunctional Sensors Department of the
Army, RDT&E: UMass Lowell

Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,000,000 (Requested)

Cold Weather Layering System (CWLS)
Cold Weather Layering System (CWLS), MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,400,000 (Requested)

integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring System
integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring System, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,600,000 (Requested)

Lawrence and Haverhill Schools
Lawrence and Haverhill Schools, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $22,000,000 (Requested)

Greater Lowell Schools
Greater Lowell Schools, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $19,000,000 (Requested)

Federal Funding Requests for projects in the Fifth District
Federal Funding Requests for projects in the Fifth District, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $206,807,000 (Requested)

Haverhill Police Radio Project
City of Haverhill Police Department, Haverhill, MA 01830
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $347,265 (Requested)

Essex County Sheriffs Department Comprehensive Substance Abuse
Education and Treatment Program

Essex County Sheriffs Department, Middleton,, MA 01949
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $250,000 (Requested)

Essex Regional Emergency Communications Center Records Management

Essex County Sheriffs Department, Middleton,, MA 01949
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $250,000 (Requested)

Big Friends Little Friends youth mentoring
Family Service, Inc., Lawrence, MA 01840
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $80,000 (Requested)

The Lowell Police Department's Problem-Oriented Policing
Strategies (POPS)

Lowell Police Department, MA
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $150,000 (Requested)

Sex Offender Registration Project
Lowell Police Department, Lowell,, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $290,000 (Requested)

Targeted therapy for advanced melanoma
AlphaMed Inc, Acton,, MA 01720
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,500,000 (Requested)

Emissive and Resistive Thin Film Processing of Microchannel Plates
for Gen III Night Vision Image Intensifiers

Arradiance, Sudbury,, MA 01776
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,000,000 (Requested)

Advanced Inspection Technology (Access Control)
AS&E, Billerica,, MA 01821
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Software Reconfigurable Payload (SRP)
Assurance Technology Corporation, Carlisle,, MA 01741
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,000,000 (Requested)

Naval Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS)
Beacon Power, Tyngsboro,, MA 01879
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,000,000 (Requested)

Advanced Steam Turbine
DRS Power Technology, Inc (DRS PTI), Hudson,, MA 01749
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Special Operations High Performance In-line Sniper Scope (HISS)
FUR Systems, North Billerica, MA 01862
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

DB-IIO on MQ-9
Goodrich ISR Systems, Chelmsford,, MA 01824
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Ultra Low Phase Noise Oscillator
Hittite Microwave Corporation, Chelmsford,, MA 01824
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,000,000 (Requested)

Automated Fiber Optic Manufacturing Initiative
kSARIA, Lawrence,, MA 01843
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Biometric Identity Management Applications (BIMA) Toolset
L-1 Identity SolutionsNiisage, Billerica,, MA 01821
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,000,000 (Requested)

Leveraging COTS mmW Sensors for Improved Warfighter Situational

MIA-COM, Lowell,, MA 01853
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,700,000 (Requested)

National Advanced Optics Capability
Northrop Grumman Xinetics, Devens,, MA 01434
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Next Generation Combat Identification-Friend or Foe
Performance Indicator, LLC, Lowell,, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,900,000 (Requested)

Multi Climate Protection System (MCPS)
Polartec, LLC, Lawrence,, MA 01842
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

MEMS Demonstration Radar System (MEMS DRS)
Radant Technologies, Inc., Stow,, MA 01775
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,000,000 (Requested)

Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) Superconductors for Portable Imaging

Specialty Materials, Lowell,, MA 01851
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,000,000 (Requested)

Advanced Brush Technology
Superconducting Systems, Inc., Billerica,, MA 01821
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Air National Guard Link 16 Ground Stations
Tactical Communications Group, LL, Billerica,, MA 01821
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $3,900,000 (Requested)

Tactical Metal Fabrication (TacFab) System
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Billerica,, MA 01821
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,800,000 (Requested)

Global Seismographic Network Equipment Renewal
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington,, DC

Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $5,000,000 (Requested)

Lancaster Landfill Solar Facility
Town of Lancaster, Lancaster,, MA 01523
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,000,000 (Requested)

CIGS Photovoltaic Tum-Key Equipment Development Solution
Veeco, Lowell,, MA 01851
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $2,000,000 (Requested)

Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center
Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center, Lawrence,, MA 01843
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $550,000 (Requested)

Technology for 21st Century Instruction
Andover Public Schools, Andover,, MA 01810
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $232,100 (Requested)

Best Buddies Massachusetts
Best Buddies Massachusetts, Boston,, MA 02108
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $49,399 (Requested)

Radiation Therapy: Trilogy Stereotactic Accelerator
Holy Family Hospital, Methuen,, MA 01844
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $500,000 (Requested)

Expansion of Lowell Community Health Center
Lowell Community Health Center, Lowell,, MA 01854
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $4,000,000 (Requested)

Middlesex Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic Modernization

Middlesex Community College, Lowell,, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $900,000 (Requested)

Methuen Rotary Interchange Reconfiguration Project
Massachusetts Highway Department, Boston,, MA 02116
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $1,500,000 (Requested)

Study and Design Review for the Boston and Maine Railroad Depot
(Rialto building)

Middlesex Community College, Lowell,, MA 01852
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $750,000 (Requested)

Lancaster School and Campus Center Construction Project
Robert F. Kennedy Children's Action Corps, Boston,, MA 02108
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5) requests $250,000 (Requested)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


During the 2010 election cycle varied groups have rated Representative Tsongas on key issues.
To determine if YOU are truly being represented look through this listing, find your area of concern and review the rating from the organizations key in those specific issues.

Tsongas costing YOU-Staff Expenses

As a steward of our tax dollars Tsongas is woefully inadequate, Each year she spends MORE and has accomplished less for the 5th ( soon to be 3rd ) Congressional District. Each year in office her expenses related to staff increase, more than the costs of living adjustment;


Tsongas Rating On Illegals

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Unemployment- While Tsongas has been in office

Representative Tsongas Repeating The Unemployment Lie;

The last three years have seen some of the highest unemployment rates reported since the Great Depression. The official rate moved from 5 percent in January 2008 to a high of 10.1 percent in October 2009, and a current rate of 8.6 percent. It rests 3 points above the 1948-2007 average of
5.6 percent. Unfortunately, the reality is even worse than these numbers suggest.
To stay in office, there is one thing President Obama and Representative Tsongas should hope for: an improvement in the employment picture before the 2012 elections.
This is because of the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the official unemployment rate. Conceptually the unemployment rate seems simple - it is just the number of unemployed divided by the number of people in the labor force. However, deciding whom to include in the labor force is a complicated task. In the official unemployment rate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics measures the labor force as those who are employed or who have actively looked for work within the last four weeks. As a consequence, the official rate excludes workers who have decided to drop out of the labor market altogether because economic conditions have discouraged them, or for other reasons. The official rate also ignores those who settle for part-time work since they are unable to find a full-time job.

So, the way in which we calculate unemployment might mask the actual weakness of our economy. Paradoxically, if pessimism about the economy drives workers to stop looking for work or to settle for a part time job, it could actually cause the official unemployment rate to fall because of a bad outlook.

To compensate for this problem, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has published an alternative measure of the unemployment rate based on an analysis of the Current Population Survey, a household survey. This measure, referred to as the "U-6 rate", includes those that would still like a job and have looked for work in the last twelve months, not just the last four weeks. It also includes people who opted to work part-time even though they would like full-time jobs. Unfortunately, this measure is not cited nearly enough.

The U-6 rate offers a clearer picture of how precarious a situation we are in. It has moved from 8.8 percent in December 2007 to 17.4 percent in October 2009 and 15.6 percent in November 2011. Today the gap between the U-6 rate and the official rate is 7 percentage points, meaning that the number damaged by the weak job market is almost twice what the official number would suggest. At the start of the recession, there was only a 3.8 percentage point difference.
By comparison, during the 2001 recession, which lasted only a few months, the difference grew by a meager 0.9 points from 3 percent to 3.9 percent.
For a historical perspective, we obtained data on these two measures going back to 1994. The evidence reveals the gap between the official rate and the U-6 rate has averaged less than 4 percentage points, and has not exceeded 5 percentage points except for the first month in 1994. October 2008 is the first time that the difference exceeded 5 points, and since then has averaged around 7 points. Currently more than 5.7 million Americans have been unemployed for more than 27 weeks, or an astounding 43 percent of all unemployed. The tremendous increase in long-term unemployment is one factor driving the unprecedented disparity between the official measure of unemployment and the alternative measure. Long-term unemployment has a damaging psychological impact on workers' willingness to keep searching for work and motivates them to accept part-time work. More importantly, however, long-term unemployment has a real impact on their ability to find a job because skills erode and employers tend to recoil from large gaps on a resume.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tsongas, One Of Us.?

Representative Tsongas is NOT one of us!

Most of us that live in the 37 cities and towns that comprise the 3rd Congressional District would love to be in the stratosphere that is the life style of our “Representative”.

In the 2010 Election on a Lowell Sun debate, Ms. Tsongas insinuated that she “was a regular person” and attempted to paint her challenger as an elitist. She also indicated her personal involvement in saving money for us taxpayers. She mentioned not taking a raise and voting for a freeze on a congressional pay raise as well as cutting staff expenses by 75 thousand dollars.

Her statement seemed not to be in line with the facts.

Between Jan 1st and 30 July 2010, a six month period, Ms. Tsongas had spent $498.897 for her staff, this projects out to $997,794 for the year! In 2009 her staff expenses were $960,829, In 2008 the expense was $898,711. This does not indicate a reduction but rather a slow increase in the cost to operate her office.

She failed to mention that she voted for the congressional pay raise (H413 on Jun 19, 2009) before she voted against the automatic pay adjustment in 2010.

On a personal front Ms Tsongas’s income is $174.000 for a congressional salary. Based on Financial Disclosure reports a public record, her net worth is listed as between $1,845,054 and
$7,999.999 which ranks her 66th RICHEST in the House of Representatives. Her assets includes her three properties, a small Condo at 52 Lawrence Drive Unit 411M, in Lowell, rarely used other than an election cycle, valued at $119.600. Her primary residence, at 26 Auburn St., Charlestown Ma. Purchased in 2003 for $760,000 with an accessed value of $602,300. And finally her property at 455 Shore Rd. Chatham Ma; valued at $2,440,800.

This is the individual who supports occupy wall street and is in fact a FAT CAT!

I personally hope Ms. Tsongas makes and spends whatever she desires, that is the America as it was and should be, not the America she and her fellow elitist elected officials want to make it for us and exclude themselves!