
Representative Tsongas is NOT one of us!
Most of us that live in the 37 cities and towns that comprise the 3rd Congressional District would love to be in the stratosphere that is the life style of our Representative”.
In the 2010 Election on a Lowell Sun debate, Ms. Tsongas insinuated that she "was a regular person” and attempted to paint her challenger as an elitist. She also indicated her personal involvement in saving money for us taxpayers. She mentioned not taking a raise and voting for a freeze on a congressional pay raise as well as cutting staff expenses by 75 thousand dollars. Her statement seemed not to be in line with the facts.
Between Jan 1st and 30 July 2010, a six month period, Ms. Tsongas had spent $498.897 for her staff, this projects out to $997,794 for the year! In 2009 her staff expenses were $960,829, In 2008 the expense was $898,711. This does not indicate a reduction but rather a slow increase in the cost to operate her office.

She failed to mention that she voted for the congressional pay raise (H413 on June 19, 2009) before she voted against the automatic pay adjustment in 2010.
On a personal front Ms Tsongas’s income is $174.000 for a congressional salary. Based on Financial Disclosure reports a public record, her net worth is listed as between $1,845,054 and $7,999.999 which ranks her 66th RICHEST in the House of Representatives. Her assets includes her three properties, a small Condo at 52 Lawrence Drive Unit 411M, in Lowell, rarely used other than an election cycle, valued at $119.600. Her primary residence, at 26 Auburn St., Charlestown Ma. Purchased in 2003 for $760,000 with an accessed value of $602,300. And finally her property at 455 Shore Rd. Chatham Ma; valued at $2,440,800.This is the individual who supports Occupy Wall Street and is in fact a FAT CAT!
We personally hope Ms. Tsongas makes and spends whatever she desires, that is the America as it was and should be, not the America she and her fellow elitist elected officials want to make it for us and exclude themselves.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Health Care Bill-Costs going up, up up!!!

Remember our current Congressperson, Niki Tsongas VOTED for this law, without ever reading it, and then EXEMPTED HERSELF from the pain of the plan!

Congressional Budget Office 12 March 2012;

The Estimated Net Cost of the Insurance Coverage Provisions Is Smaller Than Estimated in March 2011 CBO and JCT now estimate that the insurance coverage provisions of the ACA will have a net cost of just under $1.1 trillion over the 2012-2021 period-about $50 billion less than the agencies' March 2011 estimate for that 10-year period. (For comparison with previous estimates, these numbers cover the 2012-2021 period; estimates including 2022 can be found below.) The net costs--specifically the combined effects on federal revenues and mandatory spending--reflect:

Gross additional costs of $1.5 trillion for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), tax credits and other subsidies for the purchase of health insurance through the newly established exchanges and related costs, and tax credits for small employers, Offset in part by about $0.4 trillion in receipts from penalty payments, the new excise tax on high-premium insurance plans, and other budgetary effects (mostly increases in tax revenues). Those amounts do not encompass all of the budgetary impacts of the ACA. They do not include federal administrative costs, which will be subject to future appropriation action. Also, they do not include the effects of the many other provisions of the law, including some that will cause significant reductions in Medicare spending relative to that under prior law and others that will generate added tax revenues relative those under prior law.

CBO and JCT have previously estimated that the ACA will, on net, reduce budget deficits over the 2012-2021 period; that estimate of the overall budgetary impact of the ACA has not been updated. Gross Costs Are Higher, but Offsetting Budgetary Effects Are Also Higher The current estimate of the gross costs of the coverage provisions—$1,496 billion through 2021—is about $50 billion higher than last year's projection; however, the other budgetary effects of those provisions, which partially offset those gross costs, also have increased in CBO’s and JCT’s estimates—to $413 billion—leading to the small decrease in the net 10-year tally.
Over the 10-year period from 2012 through 2021, enactment of the coverage provisions of the ACA was projected last March to increase federal deficits by $1,131 billion, whereas the March 2012 estimate indicates that those provisions will increase deficits by $1,083 billion.

Over the 10-year period from 2012 through 2021, enactment of the coverage provisions of the ACA was projected last March to increase federal deficits by $1,131 billion, whereas the March 2012 estimate indicates that those provisions will increase deficits by $1,083 billion.

Remember the initial costs mouthed by Tsongas and Obama was this figure was closer to $900 billion.